A God Who Can Be Trusted
March 12, 2023
With all of the problems and crises of life we’re facing, Pastor Vernon E. Hubbard is here this week to remind us that we’re in relationship with a God Who Can be Trusted.
Message: A God Who Can Be Trusted
Speaker: Rev. Vernon E. Hubbard
Scripture: Proverbs 3:5-6 NIV
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Ste 300
Houston, TX 77060
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#TheShip #SundaySermon #AGodWhoCanBeTrusted #CFOnDemand
- Pastor Vernon Hubbard
- Proverbs
- Belief
- Christian Living
- Crisis
- Faith
- Trials
- Trouble
- Trusting God
- Connecting Fellowship
- Houston, TX
What To Do When Your Storm Comes
October 3, 2022
Storms are certain to come into every life, the real question is what will you do when the storms of life come to you? Tune in to today’s sermonic discussion by Senior Pastor Vernon Hubbard and gain tremendous insight into how to handle life’s storms’
Help Is On the Way | Vernon E. Hubbard [September 13, 2020]
September 13, 2020
Are you in trouble? Are you sinking deep in the sea of your problems? Hold on! Help is on the way! Pastor Vernon E. Hubbard shows us how God gives us help in our times of distress.