Try Jesus, Not Me | Christopher D. Barnes [October 25, 2020]
October 27, 2020
Sometimes it’s hard to be kind to those who seem to work against us. Elder Christopher D. Barnes walks us through the importance of employing God’s wisdom to see those who would oppose us in a different light, instead of how we would we want to see them. In other words, to “Try Jesus, Not Me.”
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The Logical Call [Sermon] | Christopher Barnes (August 2, 2020)
August 2, 2020
When God calls us to a work, we often find ourselves asking “why?” “How is this the logical call?” In this sermon, Christopher Barnes helps us to understand how someone like God can call someone like us. Were you blessed by the message? Support our ministry! Follow us on Social Media! Facebook:
Worship: A Conversation | Elder Christopher D. Barnes [May 24, 2020]
May 24, 2020
Worship is a conversation between you and God. But there are key barriers that prevent an authentic, productive encounter with God. In this message, we see how a Jewish man and a Samaritan woman tear down those barriers with just a talk. Were you blessed by the message? Support our ministry! Follow us on… Read More »
The Heart of the Matter | Christopher D. Barnes [March 15, 2020]
March 15, 2020
Subscribe to the official Connecting Fellowship channel to stream our latest messages, keep up to date on happenings in our ministry, and much more. Hit the 🛎 Notification Bell so that you never miss our most recent video. Message: The Heart of the Matter Speaker: Elder Christopher D. Barnes Scripture: Matthew 12:22-37 NIV Were you… Read More »