Don’t Worry ‘Bout a Thing | Michael J. Smith [April 26, 2020]
April 26, 2020
Are you feeling close to the edge? In the jungle that is life, worry and panic can take up residence and strangle the hopes and dreams out of us. With Elder Michael J. Smith, we discover the antidote to our anxiety.
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I’ve Got a Mission! | Vernon E. Hubbard [April 19, 2020]
April 19, 2020
There is nothing more powerful in this life than knowing your purpose and your mission. One of life’s most vital questions is, “Do you know your purpose?” In a time where many are uncertain about their life’s mission and purpose, the Creator can still be sought for clarity on one’s mission in life. Were you… Read More »
Hope in the Midst of Uncertainty – Vernon E. Hubbard [April 12, 2020]
April 12, 2020
Life right now, as we know it, is uncertain. We are all finding ourselves living in a new normal. But is it possible, in the midst of uncertainty, this new normal, to find hope? Just as the women who traveled to the tomb of Jesus early that Sunday morning, as we also keep walking towards… Read More »
A Trustworthy God | Vernon E. Hubbard [April 5, 2020]
April 5, 2020
In times of uncertainty, the question of who we can trust becomes even more important to ask and answer. Today we find that the God of the Bible is trustworthy, even in the midst of a pandemic. Pastor Hubbard unpacks a familiar passage in Proverbs to build a rock-solid case for a trustworthy God. Were… Read More »
Can I Trust God? | Vernon E. Hubbard [March 29, 2020]
March 29, 2020
At times, life can bring us to moments where we have to ask the all-important question – “Can I trust God?” In the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic affecting both saint and sinner, churched and unchurched, employed and unemployed, rich and poor, life has brought us to one those moments. With our Pastor Hubbard we… Read More »