Why God Is Able
March 26, 2023
When life gets tough, we need to remind ourselves that God is able to do whatever it is we need Him to do. Pastor Vernon E. Hubbard explores in Psalm 24 just why God is able.
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Message: Why God is Able
Speaker: Pastor Vernon E. Hubbard
Scripture: Psalm 24:1 NIV
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#TheShip #SundaySermon #WhyGodIsAble #CFOnDemand
A God Who Can Be Trusted
March 12, 2023
- Pastor Vernon Hubbard
- Proverbs
- Belief
- Christian Living
- Crisis
- Faith
- Trials
- Trouble
- Trusting God
- Connecting Fellowship
- Houston, TX
With all of the problems and crises of life we’re facing, Pastor Vernon E. Hubbard is here this week to remind us that we’re in relationship with a God Who Can be Trusted. Message: A God Who Can Be Trusted Speaker: Rev. Vernon E. Hubbard Scripture: Proverbs 3:5-6 NIV Were you blessed by the message?… Read More »
I Ain’t Scurred!
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- Rev. Arthur J. Johnson
- A Thrill of Hope - The Voices of Christmas
- Luke
- Faith
- Possibility
- Houston, TX
- TX
Are you stressed and depressed about where your life seems to be going? Good news – God is a God of Possibilities! Through the voice of Mary, the mother of Jesus, Rev. Arthur J. Johnson walks us through how we can use our voices to declare God’s reality for our lives as our own.
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In God’s timing, He will make everything alright – but in the meantime, we need a voice of confirmation. Michael J. Smith presents Gabriel as that voice to an old couple, who have long given up on their prayers for a child. Hear the voice confirm God’s promises to you today. Were you blessed by… Read More »
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